There is a little problem with Clickbank affiliate links and you might have already guessed what that is…
They are so long and ugly!!!
I mean, it’s not very inviting to put a long link like that in front of someone and say, “Hey! Trust me 😉 Click on this!”
So how do we get around this?
There are free services out there that allow us to ‘beautify’ long, ugly urls by shortening them. They are called URL shorteners and you’ve most probably seen them before. An example of where they are used is Twitter.
Because Twitter posts are limited to 140 characters, when someone posts something on Twitter and also includes a link, it is usually shortened (see below).
You also see this happening on Facebook…
Creating a shortened url for your affiliate link is super easy! To more clearly explain how url shortening works, lets go to a free url shortening service…
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Copy your Clickbank affiliate link into the field provided. If you want to, you can specify a ‘Custom alias’. If this is left blank, TinyURL will generate a link for you with random letters and numbers. When you’re ready,click on the ‘Make TinyURL!’ button (see below).
Step 3: Tada! You already have your shortened affiliate link!
In this case, TinyURL has turned my long Clickbank affiliate link for The Fat Loss Factor into this:
(see below)
It’s much better looking than that long Clickbank affiliate link, isn’t it?
Now, if someone goes to, they will automatically be redirected to …
Which of course takes them to The Fat Loss Factor sales page 🙂
Okay, now that we’ve created our Clickbank affiliate link for the product we want to promote, and we’ve made it look more user-friendly, we’re now ready to promote it and make some money!
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Hello John is it ok if u were my mentor, I’ve seen your video and I have one of your books you’ve down load. My problem is that I real shy, which causes me to loose out in life. Do u have any suggestions?
Hi April, you can still be really shy and very successful as an online marketer. In fact, this is the perfect business for really shy people because you can do most things without having to meet people face-to-face. You don’t even need to make any videos.
One of my favorite passive income streams is creating content for Kindle and Createspace.
But if you want to get over your shyness, there’s nothing better than putting yourself in front of a video camera and making a few short videos. You don’t have to make them available on Youtube or anywhere else. Create them just for you. As you make more and more, you will increase your confidence.
The first video I made of myself was sooo bad! I looked and sounded so nervous. After having done it so many times now it is very natural to me, but it didn’t start off that way 🙂