If you’ve new to advertising on Facebook, you’ll find that you can spend money real fast and not get great results. It leaves you wondering… “What is the fuss all about!”
Truth is, Facebook Ads are extremely powerful AND cost effective… IF you do it right.
Experienced Internet marketers have shared some secrets about how they pay less for Facebook ads. Here’s what they have to say:
*** Facebook Power Editor ***
“Facebook advertising has burned too many people because they didn’t know certain things. Here are some tips I give my private clients:
“1. When creating a campaign, make sure you use the Power Editor. It has a lot more features and tools that will help you craft your campaign.
“2. ALWAYS narrow down your target audience to make it as relevant as possible. A lot of my financial advisor clients develop a niche market and Facebook ads work wonders with this. For example, if they are targeting teachers, they can browse through Demographics – Work – Job Titles – Teacher to make sure their ad campaign is shown only to teachers.
“3. Make sure you know what you’re paying for. If your goal is to send people to your website, make SURE that you are paying for every link click. One big mistake I see too often is that people will pay per engagement and think that an engagement is a link click. Not so. Facebook counts a simple like as an engagement too. I’ve seen posts with 20-plus engagements but with only one or two link clicks. Know what you’re paying for.”
James Pollard, TheAdvisorCoach.com
*** Qualify and Retarget ***
“When it comes to improving conversions and reducing costs there are a few steps to go through:
“*For Cold Traffic Acquisition:*
- properly qualify your leads (i.e. make an engaging video ad / slideshow)
- retarget those leads with a hook
- a/b test the ads and ad sets
“The next step in making sure your ads are giving you a good ROI, is to properly retarget your users at certain steps:
- add a product to your cart but didn’t purchase (retarget with a certain ad)
- logged in but didn’t add a product to your cart (retarget with a different ad)
“Then comes the really fun part and that’s creating lookalike audiences based on existing groups.”
Mikhael Levkovsky, Spoil
*** 4 Steps To Pay Less for Facebook Ads ***
“*Query Response*
“When it comes to advertising, including social media, ROI is what counts, so stay focused to maximum efficiency. You’ll harvest the most per dollar spent by:
“*Testing Different Images*
“The first goal is to find an image that attracts attention and conveys your message. The second goal is test the images performance before investing money into them. Lack of testing is one of the biggest ad killers for professionals – small details make the difference. Predictions for certain images are wrong more than professionals would like to admit, so to avoid error, base your choices on the test outcomes!
“*Spend Time on Audience Segmentation*
“This might seem a little obvious, but rushing through your targeting can easily kill your social advertising success. Advertising to too broad an audience can be just as damaging as scripting poor copy because you’re wasting money on low-potential prospects. Make every cent count!
“*Set Up a Facebook Remarketing Pixel*
Remarketing pixels will show your ad to potential customers who have visited your website, but have not converted. This is especially helpful if they were looking at competitors and forgot about you!”
Michael Lewis, Active Web Group
*** Pro Tip: Link Tagging ***
“Re: How to pay less for Facebook Ads?
“Don’t continuously bet on the same horse, bet on the horse that’s winning that race. Different ads perform better with different audiences, that’s just the way advertising works. Luckily with Facebook ads you can see the results and modify your ad spend in realtime.
“Pro tip: use link tagging to see what audiences are converting once they land on your website.”
Christina Oswald, Moncur
*** How Do You Pay Less for Facebook Ads? ***
Do you have a strategy for paying less for Facebook ads that hasn’t been mentioned here? Leave a comment below!