Francis Ochoco is a serial entrepreneur having started several businesses offline and online. His first success online was on eBay. He bought clothes from wholesale suppliers and local retail stores and resold them on eBay. Because of his rapid success on eBay, he was awarded the first ever eBay Entrepreneur Of The Year award. Soon after, he then decided to shift his focus from eBay to internet marketing.
Being able to generate passive income by selling info products online is one of the things that Francis finds attractive about internet marketing. Best of all, he is now able to schedule his business around his family life. He spends most of his time playing with his 20 month old son.
How did you come to learn about Internet Marketing? Why did you choose it?
Many years ago when I was still in college, I somehow came across Cory Rudl’s site (Cory Rudl is one of the first people to make millions of dollars selling info products online). Back then, I was too busy with school and was still a little skeptical about internet marketing.
But I was subscribed to Cory’s newsletter and over the years, as I heard more and more success stories online, I knew this was real and I had to get a piece of the action. I started off selling on eBay because it could bring in immediate cashflow and then moved onto internet marketing when the time was right for me.
What accomplishments so far are you the most proud of?
Living the lifestyle I want.
What do you think it takes to be successful as an affiliate/internet marketer?
Dedication and persistence.
If it’s possible for you to share, are there any particular niches that you currently favor? Or that you aren’t necessarily in right now but that you would recommend?
I favor the IM niche because it is one of the hottest niches to be in.
What niche has worked best for you?
Which methods of promotion do you favor?
I favor emailing my list to promote products.
How have you made those promotion methods successful?
I try to treat my list with respect.
What is the future of Internet Marketing?
IM is always changing but I think that the people who are going to succeed in the long run are the ones who promote quality products instead of the overhyped products. Credibility is one of the most important assets in this business.
What is the best advice you’ve been given and try to apply to your life?
Always try to do the right thing and have unconditional love for everyone.
What are some of your long-term goals? How much is enough? If money was no object, what would you be doing?
I’ve thrown out most of my goals although I may still have some in the back of my head. I pretty much try to focus on the present now and just live my life.
How do you like to spend your free time? What doe work-life balance mean to you?
I spend most of my free time with my son. Work-life balance means everything to me. The money’s not worth it to me if I’m working too hard and getting stressed out about projects and deadlines.
What is your favorite quote?
‘You must be the change you want to see in the world.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
Are you on Twitter and/or Facebook?
I have read a couple of books about eBay by Francis Ochoco and I have to say these free books are very high quality. I was planning to start an eBay business, but after a couple of days discovered IM and dropped eBay.
But if someone wants to start an eBay business, I definitely recommend to check out his free ebooks. This guy really knows what he is talking about when it comes to eBay!
I agree Matt. Francis’ videos are also very high quality. Excellent training.