JLDC 0088: Interview with Diane Gardner – Are You Paying Too Much in Taxes?

Many businesses are paying too much in taxes.

Over the years, Diane Gardner has legally saved business owners over $710,000 in taxes that they otherwise would have overpaid.

In this interview with Diane, she discusses some of the biggest tax mistakes business owners make and how to overcome them.

Diane Gardner - Tax CoachTopics discussed during this podcast include;

  • What’s the number one tax mistake most business owners make?
  • What are some of the common tax deductions we should be claiming?
  • How do I find a good tax agent?
  • And much more!

You can play this session of the podcast here:

Websites referenced during the podcast:
TaxCoach4You.com – Diane Gardner’s site

Here’s a timeline of the topics discussed during the podcast:

0:00 – Introduction and short bio of Diane Gardner
1:30 – Diane’s growing up years
3:30 – The influence Diane’s parents had on her life and career
5:20 – How did you decide to be a tax coach?
7:00 – Starting her own tax business
8:30 – How a tax coach is different from a tax agent
9:00 – What’s some of the biggest mistakes that business owners make that have them overpaying taxes?
12:20 – What effect can retirement planning have on your taxes?
13:15 – Can you give us examples of clients that you were able to save them a considerable amount in taxes?
14:45 – What is the biggest overlooked tax deduction that businesses could be claiming but are not?
15:35 – How can I know if the tax agent I’m currently using is giving me all the tax benefits that I’m entitled to?
17:25 – Final thoughts

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2 thoughts on “JLDC 0088: Interview with Diane Gardner – Are You Paying Too Much in Taxes?”

  1. Debbie Gartner

    Some great tips here. Diane is so right about proper planning. It can save you money and a lot of stress.

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